Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm still alive. I swear. Call off the search party. I'll explain my absence as soon as I can. While waiting......why not tell me something interesting about yourself? That sounds like fun, eh?


  1. Glad to hear you're well!

    We all know you're out enjoying The Hair!

    I have something interesting to tell about me... I got offered a job at the yarn store near me!

  2. Thought you might have fallin' in the toilet or something!

    Something interesting...hmmmmm....I always have to have socks on my feet! I feel weird without them!

  3. Interesting. I've successfully crocheted my first teddy bear head. Have a pet that needs a chew toy? I've been wondering where you disappeared to.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It must be the Hair!! I was wondering why you'd been so quiet.

    Something interesting about myself? hmmmmmm {thinking} Well, I have 7 kids and still retain my sanity. lol (oh wait, don't insane people always think they're sane?)

    P.S. sorry for the deleted post...seems I couldn't spell. lol

  6. Phew! Glad you didn't fall off the face of the earth.

    Interesting? Hahahaha. Nothing interesting about a SAHM unless, of course, you find the fact that I can say, "Straighten up your room" repeatedly without turning blue in the face. That's a pretty neat trick, don't ya think?

    Can't wait to hear what you've been up to.

  7. Hmmmm interesting about me??? There really isnt anything interesting about me. Just one boring old lady! LOL

  8. Let me see...either you were on a secret "Angel" mission....or you decided to get a BRITTANY SPEARS Haircut!!!!

  9. Glad to hear that you're alive and well.
    An interesting fact about myself?
    I'm a major procrastinator. I'm taking off on vacation in two days and have not done a single bit of laundry or packed a single thing. I don't think I'll be getting much sleep the next two days. Thank God for COFFEE!!!

  10. interesting.... hmmmm i absolutely can not write on the first 2 pages of a notebook/journal/spiral. and i don't know why.

    pssst, the new site with the new logo is finally up. not done. but up. i switched from blogger to godaddy blog. same www.ewedevil.com , though :D i'm in the midst of a post shouting your creative, computer drawing genius!!!!

  11. Interesting fact - at least interesting to me. I'm about to celebrate my 4-year blogaversary. And still enjoy blogging.

    Now maybe it's your turn to tell us something.


  12. Glad to know you're still among the living.

    I can only flare one nostril. I'm serious.

  13. Hope you're back posting again soon.

    Interesting? Hmmmmmm. Not much is interesting about me. I could say that I can make Minute Rice in FOUR minutes!

    I think this is kind of cool but others will probably yawn: My favourite movie is The Sound of Music and I actually keep in touch with one of the co-stars on a fairly regular basis. (One of the von Trapp kids from the movie).

    And, I'm thinking of quitting blogging. It's pretty slow in Chickity China blog land these days. ***sniff, sniff***

  14. Something interesting about me? Well, once I considered becoming a Sara Gilbert stalker...
